It’s been a while since the skinny jean fever caught in Korea, and it probably won’t ever go away. Nowadays, skinny jeans are a staple for both male and female celebrities. In fact, seems like all Korean celebs tend to wear skinny jeans so tight that the average girl wouldn’t even be able to get her ankles through.
Now, a new trend has cauzed a frenzy in the fashion, world, and that’s the ‘Homewear’ trend. The trend is quite simple really, just clothes that are comfortable enough to wear at home. For this trend, “Loose” and “comfortable” are everything. Loose pants, loose shirts, loose sweaters, loose everything. Hopefully this trend will grow, because being in fashion+being comfortable might finally be possible. Every lazy guy/girl’s dream.
Of course, the fashion world seems to still be obsessed with the skinny jean trend, so it might be hard to spot all the ‘homewear’ outfits. Here’s a little guide for the beginner!
I figured most guys still wouldn’t be convinced, so I’ll start with a photo of GD as our starter. The biggest trendsetter in Korea, and possibly all of Asia, he’s been known to create or popularize some of the bigges trends. Convinced now?

Last but not least, Seventeen. They’ve been sporting this ‘homewear’ trend in various parts of their new MV for ‘BOOM BOOM’. It’s definetely a new kind of homewear that is a lot more on the daring side, but whoever can pull it off should definetely try! (Anyone else slightly reminded of the early 2010-ish era with the outfits? Hopefully that tragic era won’t be making a comeback anytime soon, but it might)

That’s all for today! Hopefully this post will be enough to get all you guys out there to try and experiment with this trend for yourself! If you’re one of our lady viewers, please go check out our ‘Homewear’ special for female celebrities as well!