Looking for an easy style change but too lazy to stop by the salon? Like your hair length the way it is? Or does your hair need a break from all the colorful hair dyes? No problem, the solution is simple: try changing your part! Now, for the males out there, you could be asking, “What part? And how should I change it?” and I mean, in all seriousness, your HAIR part; and there is a very quick solution to your concerns: try the middle part. Hold on… I know what your thinking! “But the middle part looks so tacky…and nerdy.” STOP RIGHT THERE! That’s just a stereotype. If you’re really into fashion and style, you would know better. Never fear, though, that’s why we’re here. Here are some Korean celebrities with the hottest middle parts out there!

Key with blonde hair? AND a middle part? This screams fashion-forward!
PLUS: If you want Kpop idol Key’s middle part, CLICK HERE for this hair TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JtldoH931A

Jung Joon Young’s wavy perm gives his hair more volume and suits his carefree style.

Taeil oozes cuteness with his perfectly curled bangs and middle part. Plus those glasses seriously suit him so well.

Gong Yoo’s hair is simple but still stylish. His hair isn’t parted perfectly in the middle, which gives off a unique look to his symmetrical facial structure.

No, no, I didn’t forget. How could anyone leave out the king of fashion and style: Gdragon? Gdragon is known for his unique fashion sense and here we see him with a middle part. Worn by the king himself. What more evidence do you need to realize that the middle part is the HEIGHT of the fashion trend these days?

Luhan wears his middle part with both straight and wavy hair in the pictures above. Both looks can be worn easily, as it fits all different textures and lengths of hair.

I don’t know if it’s just me but whenever I hear the words “kpop” and “middle part,” I think of Nam Taehyun. I mean, this is his signature look, and for good reason. To achieve his look, hair length should be right about touching your ears. If you want the biker-boy look on the left: with straighter hair, curl the ends slightly outwards with a straightener. If you have curlier hair, congrats! You’re blessed! You could leave it curly for a little volume or straighten it for a chic look. And if you’re lazy, aim for the look on the right. Straight or curly, you can use hair spray or gel to flatten the hair near your face or simply tuck it behind your ears. This look is perfect for long days in school or hours of tiring traveling.
Try the middle part, and see if you like this new but seemingly-comfortable style. Ask around for others’ opinions if you’re not too sure. You can get an unbiased review and it’s always fun to see if others can any change.
–> UP NEXT: DIFFERENT HAIR-PARTING STYLES FOR GUYS <– https://kpopstuff.com/hair-parting-styles-for-guys/